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How to Self-publish a Poetry Book

  • October 9, 2023

Looking for a way to self publish a poetry book? There are some potential ways that you can utilize to publish your poetry book. If you plan to self publish a poetry book, start with writing a well-written manuscript and then publish it on self-publishing platforms like Amazon KDP, Lulu, IngramSpark, and others. Self-publishing is the right way to save cost and retain all the rights.

It’s pertinent to mention that publishing a poetry book is a rewarding journey for many authors. After spending a considerable time writing poems, it’s now the right time to publish your work!

Self-publishing provides an author with a unique opportunity to publish their work on well-known platforms like Amazon Kindle, Branes & Noble, and more. By self-publishing a poetry book, you can connect with a global audience and get appreciation from all over the world. Self-publishing a poetry book has become more accessible because of the rise of digital platforms and print-on-demand services.

Let’s talk about the steps to self-publishing a poetry book.


Steps To Self-Publish A Poetry Book

Writing and Editing Your Poetry

The well-written poetry is the foundation of any poetry book. Before considering self-publishing a poetry book, you must make sure your poetry book is polished and ready for publishing.

  • Create a Manuscript: Organize your poems into a cohesive manuscript.
  • Editing: Edit your poems for grammar, punctuation, and style.
  • Beta Readers: Share your manuscript with beta readers, preferably those who appreciate poetry. Their feedback will help you improve your manuscript.
  • Formatting: Consistency in font, spacing, and alignment will enhance the professional appearance of your poetry book.


Choosing a Self-Publishing Platform

Once your manuscript is polished and ready for publication, it’s time to choose a self-publishing platform. Several options are available, each with its features and benefits.

  • Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP): It offers a broad reach and easy distribution to a global audience.
  • IngramSpark: It provides a broader distribution network, making your book available to bookstores, libraries, and online retailers worldwide.
  • Lulu: Lulu offers a user-friendly platform and various printing options, including hardcover and paperback.
  • Smashwords: It offers a user-friendly platform for formatting and publishing your e-book.


Book Cover Design

Your book cover is the first thing the audience will see, so making a strong impression is crucial. A professionally designed book cover can make a significant difference in attracting readers.

  • Hire a Designer: Consider hiring a professional book cover designer to design a cover that captures the essence of your self-publish poetry book and captures the attention of your target audience.
  • Visual Elements: Choose visual elements that relate to the themes in your poetry.
  • Title and Author Name: Make sure the title of your book and author name are easily readable and displayed prominently.


Formatting Your Poetry Book

Proper formatting ensures your poetry book looks professional and is easy to read.

  • Poetry Layout: Decide on line spacing, indents, or block formatting, and apply it uniformly throughout the book.
  • Page Numbers: Include page numbers, and consider placing them at the bottom center or corners.
  • Table of Contents: Create a table of contents that lists the titles of your poems and their corresponding page numbers.
  • Copyright Page: Include a page that states your copyright, ISBN, and any disclaimers or author contact information.


Publishing Your Poetry Book

After writing an effective manuscript, designing a book cover, and formatting, it’s time to publish your poetry book on your chosen self-publishing platform.

  • Account Creation: Register an account on your chosen self-publishing platform.
  • Upload Your Files: Follow the platform’s instructions to upload your manuscript and book cover files. Ensure they meet the platform’s formatting requirements.
  • Set a Price: Decide on a price for your book. Consider production costs, market competition, and your desired profit margin.
  • Distribution: Select the options that best suit your goals, whether exclusively on one platform or wide distribution to various retailers.
  • Metadata: Fill in metadata such as book description, keywords, and categories to help readers discover your poetry book easily.


Marketing and Promotion

Once your poetry book is published, the work doesn’t end there. You must run marketing and promotion campaigns to reach a wider audience and boost book sales.

  • Social Media: It is a robust tool for promoting a self-published poetry Use social media platforms to share snippets of your poetry, engage with readers, and build a following.
  • Author Website: Create a website to showcase your poetry, share your writing journey, and connect with readers.
  • Book Reviews: Contact book bloggers and reviewers specializing in poetry. Positive reviews can help generate interest in your book.
  • Author Events: Consider hosting virtual author readings, participating in poetry slams, or attending literary events to connect with fellow poets and potential readers.
  • Networking: Build relationships with other poets and writers in the literary community. Collaborate on projects, share each other’s work, and support one another’s endeavors.


How To Publish Book On Amazon Kindle?

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) has become a go-to platform for self-publishing authors, including poets, due to its vast reach and user-friendly interface. If you want to self-publish your poetry book on Amazon Kindle, you’re in the right place.


Prepare Your Manuscript

Before publishing your poetry book on Amazon Kindle, you must prepare your manuscript correctly.

  • Formatting
  • Proofreading
  • File Format
  • Cover Design


Sign Up for Amazon KDP

You must create an Amazon KDP account to self-publish your poetry book on Amazon Kindle. Here’s how to get started:

  • Go to the Amazon KDP website and click “Sign in” or “Sign up.”
  • If you don’t have an Amazon account, you must create one. Follow the prompts to set up your account.
  • Once logged in, you can access your KDP dashboard to manage your publishing projects.


Set Up Your Poetry Book on KDP

Now that you have an Amazon KDP account, it’s time to set up your poetry book:

  • Click on “Create Kindle eBook” on your KDP dashboard.
  • Fill in the required details, including the book title, author name, description, and keywords. These details will help potential readers discover your book.
  • Upload Your Manuscript: Click “Kindle eBook Manuscript” to upload your formatted manuscript file.
  • Upload Your Cover: Click “Kindle eBook Cover” to upload your book cover design.
  • ISBN (Optional): You can use a free ISBN provided by Amazon or supply your own if you have one.


Set Book Pricing and Royalties

Determining the right price for your poetry book is crucial. Consider factors like book-length, market competition, and your goals. Amazon KDP allows you to choose between two pricing options:

  • Kindle eBook Pricing
  • Kindle eBook Royalties


Enroll in KDP Select (Optional)

Amazon KDP offers a program called KDP Select, which provides certain promotional benefits in exchange for exclusivity. While enrollment is optional, it can benefit some authors, especially if you plan to run promotions or giveaways.


Publish Your Poetry Book On KDP

Once you’ve filled in all the necessary details and set your book pricing, it’s time to publish your poetry book on Amazon Kindle:

  • Click the “Publish Your Kindle eBook” button. Your book will typically go through a review process, which can take up to 72 hours.
  • Once your book is approved, it will be available on Amazon Kindle. You can monitor sales and track your royalties through your KDP dashboard.



Self-publishing a poetry book can be rewarding and allow you to share your creative expression. By following the steps outlined in this comprehensive article, you can navigate the specific process of publishing your poetry on self-publishing platforms and embark on your journey as a self-published poet.

If you are looking for a trusted partner for self-publishing a poetry book, look no further. Oxford Ghostwriting is the best platform for you. We offer the best author support services, from manuscript writing to publishing and promotion; our expert team handles every aspect.